Oblečenie sa kupuje, nosí chvíľu, potom je OUT a kolobeh pokračuje. Prečo nepoužiť staré tričko a urobiť si z neho nové? :)
Moje tričko je na cvičenie, no samozrejme ak použijete vhodnejšie, tak v lete v ňom môžete beháť po uliciach :)
You are buing clothes, wearing it and than it is OUT and cycle can continue. Why to don´t use old shirt and make from it new one?
My shirt is for workout, but of course if you use more suitable you can go to the streets in it :)
Potrebujeme / We need:
- tričko / shirt
- nožnice / scissors
1.) Tričko preložíme na dve strany a obstrihneme ho po bokoch (môžete aj podľa tielka, ktoré Vám sedí)
Fold the shirt in half and cut it in sides (you can do it in accordance with tank to, which suits you)
Fold the shirt in half and cut it in sides (you can do it in accordance with tank to, which suits you)
2.) Zadnú stranu obstrihneme viac do stredu, aby bol chráb viac odhalený
Cut back side more in the middle, so backs will be more open
Cut back side more in the middle, so backs will be more open
3.) Z rukávu či inej časti, ktorá nám ostala vystrihneme pásik
From sleeve or other piece which left cut the stip
From sleeve or other piece which left cut the stip
4.) Spojíme jeden bod v strede zadnej strany trička a obmotáme ho pásikom
Connect one point in the middle of back side and wrap the strip on it
Connect one point in the middle of back side and wrap the strip on it
A tielko je na svete :)
And you can wear you tank top :)
And you can wear you tank top :)
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