Väčšina z nás ma konferenčný stolík či jedálny stolík doma a stolík bez dekorácii Vás žiadnym spôsobom neosloví, nepoteší. Poďme tieto stolíku oživit nejakou dekoráciou, ktorú si môžeme vyrobiť sami :)
After success of blog post - Wreaths on the front door according to season, I decided today to write blog post on seasonal table decorations.
Majority of us have conference or dinning table at home and table without decoration is not going to touch, cheer you in any way. Lets give new look to them with decoretion which you can do yourself.
vajíčka, zajace, tulipány, od žiarivých po pastelové farby, gerbery, sklenené vázy
eggs, rabbit, tulips, from chromatic color to pastel color, gerbers, vase from glass
eggs, rabbit, tulips, from chromatic color to pastel color, gerbers, vase from glass
tulipány, poľné kvety, prírodné materiály, od žiarivých po pastelové farby, ovocie
tulips, wild flower, natural material, from chromatic color to pastel color, fruit
tulips, wild flower, natural material, from chromatic color to pastel color, fruit
rôzne kvety v kyticiach, pestré farby, obyčajné sklíčka ako vázy
any flowers in bouquet, chromatic color, simple glass as vase
any flowers in bouquet, chromatic color, simple glass as vase
listy zo stromov, tmavé farby a oranžová, kostry, lebky, tekvice
leaves from trees, dark and orange colors, skull, pumpkin
leaves from trees, dark and orange colors, skull, pumpkin
listy zo stromov, slnečnice, ihličie, tmavé farby a oranžová, juta, pomaranče
leaves from trees, sunflowers, fir-needles, dard and orange colors, jute, oranges
leaves from trees, sunflowers, fir-needles, dard and orange colors, jute, oranges
pastelové, červené farby, konáriky, ruže, sklenené vázy
pastel and red colors, branch, roses, vase from glass
pastel and red colors, branch, roses, vase from glass
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